FRone Automated Feed Pusher
FRone Automated Feed Pusher
Intelligent technology is attractive, especially when it makes your work easier and saves valuable time. The fully automated feed pusher, FRone, by GEA moves feed towards the feed fence at the times you define and according to the routes you set. This ensures that your cows have access to fresh, high-quality feed around the clock – even lower-ranking animals in the second feeding group.
Precise processes ensure optimum feed utilization
The GEA FRone combines tried and tested technology with maximum precision and reliability. Regularly pushing the feed forward ensures your animals can get the most out of the nutrition you provide – a welcome cost saving for your business.
Simple programming
The handy remote control enables you to program a 24 hour cycle of routes and start times to suit you and your animals, quickly and easily. And you can configure as many different routes as you like. There is also an additional option to clean the feed alley passageway.
Fast charging
The GEA FRone can even charge itself: every time it completes a route, it returns to the charging station in the barn to recharge until the next programmed feed push.
Your advantages:
- Saves more than 90 working hours per year (based on manual feed pushing for 5 minutes, 3 times per day)
- Higher milk yields (between 1 % – 3 %)
- Improved anima l health
- More frequent use of the milking robot
- Payback time of 1 – 4 years
- Max. speed of 6 metres per minute
- Can operate for up to 19 hours per day (5 hours tota l charging time)
- For herds up to 2,000 cows
- Unlimited routes
Click here to download the FRone brochure https://www.gea.com/en/binaries/FRone_BroschuereA4_EN_Doppelseiten_542237_tcm11-34078.pdf
Click here to watch the FRone demo video: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvBszTaU3V8
Ph: 03 58712 433