Advanced Dairy Systems

GEA Animal Weighing

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Animal Weighing

Animal Weighing

TaxaTron 5000

Monitor and control your animals’ body weight at all times.

TaxaTron 5000 monitors the animal´s weight continuously, DairyPlan C21 evaluates retrieved data
automatically and gives you an output in the form of graphs or tables.

So you have perfect control of the herd, each animal or feeding groups.
Changes in weight are accurately recorded and are the base for feeding strategies and give you information
about the relationship between feeding and milk yield.
The TaxaTron 5000 intelligent weight recording technology is capable of weighing cows as they walk
over the scales - they do not have to be stopped.

Key Benefits:

• On-the-fly automatic and objective evaluation of animal’s health
• Optimised feeding automatically monitors results of the dairy’s feeding program
• On-the-fly weighing
• Maintains optimum cow flow. There are no gates so cow traffic can flow freely for the best throughput -
with all milking parlour types


Click here to view the GEA Taxatron 5000 Animal Weighing Flyer

Ph: 03 58712 433