Sanitisers & Cleaners
We carry a range of Sanitisers & Cleaners
Virukill is a novel patented disinfectant based on uniquely boosted twin-chain quaternary ammonium compound chemistry.
It it active against all known families of viruses, bacteria (including mycobacteria), fungi and moulds.
We have a very large dossier of independant micro-tested data to support this claim.
Virukill is approved by APVMA for use on all hard surfaces in poultry houses.
It is safe & friendly to both birds & biosecurity operators alike.
Available in: 5 Litre, 10 Litre, 20 Litre, 200 Litre
Dairy Chlor
(Concentrated Sodium Hyprchlorite)
Dairy Chlor 12.5% is liquid sodium hypochlorite with active constituent available chlorine.
It is a very powerful disinfectant which will not leave a taint or odour on contact surfaces when used as directed.
It is most effective on physically clean surfaces since organic matter reduces its power.
It is a clear, yellow-green, mobile liquid with an odour of chlorine.
Available in: 25 Litre, 200 Litre
Eze Fome
(High Foam Alkaline Detergent)
Dairy Power Eze-Fome is a high foam, chlorinated alkaline liquid cleaner.
Eze-Fome is a versatile product that can be used for manual cleaning, parts washing and can also be foamed
onto surfaces using a hydrofoamer. It is particularly suitable for the removal of fatty and proteinaceous soils from milk vats,
bails and receival cans.
Eze-Fome is a strong and effective cleaner in cold or warm conditions.
Eze-Fome is a clear, pale yellow, mobile foaming liquid with a chlorine odour.
Available in: 10 Litre
(Chlorinated Caustic Sanitiser)
Dairy Power Impact is a chlorinated caustic detergentpowder.
The product is low foaming and designed foruse as either a weekly or remedial bomb cleaner.
Impact is particularly effective in the removal of proteinaceousand heavy soil build-ups in the dairy plant.
Impact is an off-white, granular powder with a slight chlorine odour.
Available in: 10kg, 20kg
Interox Ag Spray
(Hydro Peroxide)
Interox Ag Spray is a hydro peroxide.
Available in: 230kg, 1100kg
Oxysept Agri
(Acid Sanitiser for Dairy Plant)
Oxysept Agri is a stabilized peroxyacetic acid sanitiser.
It is used to sanitise hard non-porous surfaces of automated milking equipment between cow milking’s.
The stabilized peroxyacetic acid ensures powerful sanitising properties against a broad range of bacteria.
Available in: 20 litre, 110 litre
Ph: 03 58712 433